We haven't forgotten about you guys but it is just more natural for us to write in dutch... but no worries mate (as they say here everyday a couple of times), here we go...
After a week in Singapore we finally arrived in Cairns. The first week was hectic! We bought a campervan but getting the money over from Belgium wasn't as easy as we thought... but after a lot of patience we left Cairns on Friday in our campervan, insurance, bank account and everything else settled. We started our trip going up north, to Daintree and Cape Tribulation. Wow. Only driving up there was amazing. Every hour another scenery... outback, jungle, beaches, mangroves. A great variety of animals also crossed our paths such as rock wallabies, birds, brush turkeys, frogs... and even a crocodile (although it was in captivity). We stayed for 2 days in Daintree National Park and then we headed back to Cairns where we went snorkeling on Green Island. It is on the outer Barrier Reef but definitely worthwhile. A lot of beautiful striped fish and a huge turtle made our day. Now we are in the Atherton Tablelands, a bit south of Cairns were there are many lakes, waterfalls and other animals we have never even heard of before. We hope to spot a platypus tomorrow.
On Monday we start volunteering in the bat hospital! (www.tolgabathospital.org) We checked it out today and it is a great initiative. Every day the people of the hospital go into the forest to pick up the wounded or sick bats that have fallen out of the trees, they take them back to the hospital and nurse them until they are healed and can be set out again. I wasn't so fond of them until I saw the little baby bats tied up in little plaids being fed with a syringe... they are so cute! Anyway, that is all for now... we hope to have more pictures and more stories to tell real soon... (The internet here is either really scarce or expensive so it might take a while...)
Our campervan

BeantwoordenVerwijderenJullie doen dat daar zeer goed! Geniet van "batman" en jullie "batmobiel". ;o)
Wij missen jullie! xxx
Hi Els!!! q coño, holaaaaaa
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhabía pensado escribiros en inglés, pero no vaya a ser q s ete olvide el español, je, je
Estioy flipando!!! yo me quiero ir allí!!! madre mía, me encanta...ya veo q habeis encontrado trabajo aunque sea de voluntarios, superinteresante!! ais q playas, selva, ufff tengo los dientes que me rayan el suelo..
yo he empezado a trabajar con Lauren!!! siii, hoy le paso tu página para q te deje un mensajito...disfrutad a tope, yo os sigo desde mi escritorio...
Fijne foto's en dito verhaal.
BeantwoordenVerwijderen(H heeft ondertussen de fopspeen ontdekt)
Idd mensjes, een heel fijn artikel, net zoals de rest trouwens. Blij om jullie te lezen en te weten dat alles goe verloopt...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenferme knuff, Björn